Private limited company

The private limited company is ideal for most companies and takes as little time as possible to register.

Representative office

Register a non-trading entity to conduct market research and find new opportunities in Singapore.

Accounting services

Financial statements, tax filing, and management reports while helping receive reliefs and exemptions.

Employment contract

Hire a new employee and define your requirements and the benefits you offer.

Employment termination letter

Inform an employee that he has been fired and explain the compensation to be received.

Employee warning letter

State the unacceptable attendance, behavior or performance of an employee.

Minutes of meeting

Keep all important resolutions at shareholder or board of director meetings.

Power of attorney

Authorize someone to represent you or act on your behalf in legal matter.

Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)

Protect confidential information and create a fair business relationship.

Shareholders agreement

Describe how the company should be operated and how shareholders are fairly treated.


Ensure no one else can legally use your businessโ€™s logo, brand name, or tagline.


Get legal ownership rights on your invention registering a patent.


Protect works with copyright as literary, software, artistic and musical works, audiovisual materials and more.

Singapore PDPA

Bespoke data protection policy that sets out the procedures when dealing with information and data.

Personal Data Protection Policy

Download this Brokerage Agreement to outline the terms and conditions, scope of services, responsibilities and obligations in Singapore.

Contract drafting

Get professional, legally binding contracts tailored to your needs. Fast turnaround, affordable pricing, and legal support in Singapore


Download this website Disclaimer statement to deny legal responsibility of information provided, or for any consequences that may arise from its use.

Return and Refund Policy

Download this website Return and Refund Policy to outline the procedure for returning products or requesting refunds in Singapore.

Cookie Consent

Download this website Cookie Consent to enhance user experience, personalize content and analyze traffic while respecting privacy in Singapore.

Privacy Policy

Download this Privacy Policy to collect, use and protect personal information, ensuring compliance with data protection laws in Singapore.

Terms and Conditions

Download this Terms and Conditions to lay out the rules, responsibilities, and obligations for using your website/app services in Singapore.

Probation Period Termination

Download this probation period termination to end an employee's employment during the probationary period in Singapore.

Internship Invitation Letter

Download this Internship Invitation Letter to outline the terms, duration and expectations of the internship program in Singapore.

Brokerage Agreement

Download this Brokerage Agreement to outline the terms and conditions, scope of services, responsibilities and obligations in Singapore.

Child Travel Consent

Download this child travel consent to grant permission for a child ensuring compliance with travel regulations in Singapore.


Download this Testament to document final wishes and ensure a smooth distribution of assets according to their preferences in Singapore.

Prenuptial Agreement

Download this Prenuptial Agreement prior to marriage to protect assets and define the terms of potential future separation in Singapore.

Family law

We offer comprehensive family law services in Singapore, covering legal issues tailored to protect individuals and families.

Agency Agreement

Download this Agency Agreement to simplify relationship between a principal and agent for representation and collaboration in Singapore.

Supply Agreement

Download this Supply Agreement to outline terms, conditions and obligations for procurement and delivery of goods or services in Singapore.

Distribution agreement

Download this Distribution Agreement to ensure clear terms, responsibilities, and rights between a supplier and distributor in Singapore.

Rental Agency Agreement

Download this Rental Agency Agreement to ensure a professional rental process between the rental agency and property owners in Singapore.

Business Purchase Agreement

Download this Business Purchase Agreement to cover the transfer of assets and liabilities for a seamless transition in Singapore.

Employee Handbook

Download this Employee Handbook covering company policies, procedures, and important information for employees in Singapore.

Profit Sharing Agreement

Download this profit sharing agreement to enable employees or business partners to receive some profits generated by a business in Singapore.

Business Plan

Download this Business Plan to define your company's vision, strategies, financial projections and operational details in Singapore.

Car Purchase Agreement

Download this Car Purchase Agreement for a seamless and legally binding transaction when buying or selling a vehicle in Singapore.

Joint Venture Agreement

Download this Joint Venture Agreement for business collaborations outlining the terms, responsibilities and shared goals in Singapore.

Memorandum of Understanding

Download this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish clear agreements, expectations and goals between parties in Singapore.

Share Purchase Agreement

Download this Share Purchase Agreement to outline the terms, conditions and obligations to transfer company shares in Singapore.

Freelance Contract

Download this Freelance Contract to ensure clear expectations, payment terms, and project details for both parties involved in Singapore.

Remote Working Contract

Download this Remote Working Contract to outline the terms, expectations and responsibilities in a remote work arrangement in Singapore.


Indicate the products or services the seller had provided the buyer.

General receipt

Create proof of the transaction between the seller and the buyer.

Interior design contract

Manage and cooperate with another company to develop your business.

Architect contract

Manage and cooperate with another company to develop your business.

Construction contract

Manage and cooperate with another company to develop your business.

Real estate agent agreement

Manage and cooperate with another company to develop your business.

Consulting agreement

Manage and cooperate with another company to develop your business.

Sales contract

Provide one specific or ongoing services to a client in exchange for compensation.


Ensure all compensation your business must pay are paid on time.

Employment offer letter

Describe what the job involves and what the employee can expect.

Employment application

Collect all necessary personal and contact information of your applicants.

Employee performance evaluation

Identify employees strengths and weaknesses.

Employee non-compete agreement

Prevent a current or former employee from competing.

Employee confidentiality agreement

Clarify that an employee in Singapore cannot disclose company secrets

Notice to vacate

Let the Landlord know that you intend to end your tenancy.

Rental inspection report

Document the condition of a rental property.

Rental application

Assess potential tenants who wish to rent a residential property in Singapore.

Consent to sublease

Give tenants official permission to sublet your rental unit.

Lease amendment

Update a lease by changing existing clauses.

Commercial lease agreement

Give a tenant the right to use a property for business purposes.

Rent receipt

Record each rent payment made by your tenant.

Withholding tax

You may be taxed a Singapore withholding tax if you are a non-resident corporation or individual based in Singapore.

Singapore Lawyers

Our experienced Singapore lawyers answer all your business and legal questions, even for very specific issues.

Sole proprietorship

The sole proprietorship is the simplest and least expensive business structure.

Dependant pass

Obtain a Dependant's Pass which is issued to family members of Singapore working visas holders.

S pass

Obtain a S-Pass for mid-level foreign technicians when your company does not have the budget to pay a high salary.

Personal income tax

We offer personal income tax filing services in Singapore. Let us help you.

Corporate income tax

We can help you file your annual corporate tax returns and receive additional tax breaks.


Own landed property in Singapore for 999 years viewed as long-term rental.