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HomeRent your propertyNotice to vacate

Learn more about Notice to Vacate Letter in Singapore

The Notice to Vacate document is a formal notice delivered by the tenant to his landlord advising him of his desire to break the lease agreement due to several reasons. Your lease can be terminated at any moment by the tenant. However, if the renter desires to collect his security deposit, he must observe the notification period and provide a sufficient reason for breaching the contract. In the event of a default by the owner, Themis Partner offers you with a model of breach of contract by the tenant. Our legal staff is also available to you to create a letter according to your case, providing you with the legal opportunity to reclaim your deposit. Finally, with our aid, you may prevent any potential legal action from your landlord.

Table of contents

What is a notice to vacate?

A notice to vacate is a written declaration provided by a tenant to their landlord alerting them that they will be leaving their apartment before their lease expires. A notice to vacate is also known as a notice of intent to vacate.
The notice to vacate letter is sent to allow your landlord enough time to find a new renter for the apartment you’re leaving. The letter is often sent out one to three months before your lease expires.
A notice to leave can be given for any duration of lease, from month-to-month to standard one-year leases.

When should a Notice to Vacate Letter be issued?

A 30-day notice to depart letter is usually sufficient for your landlord. However, for specifics, see your lease agreement. The notice period is frequently indicated in this paper, so be certain you are according to convention.
While a 30-day notice is common, your landlord may need a 60-day or 90-day notice. If your lease does not specify a timeframe for your notice to quit letter, you should contact your landlord for clarification.

What should a Notice to Vacate Letter contain?

1. The day the renter will depart the property: Before selecting a move-out date, the tenant should review the lease. To avoid the contract automatically renewing, the lease may require the tenant to give a notification a set number of days before the lease period expires.

2. Date sent: You must include the date to establish that you delivered your notice to quit letter within the time frame specified in your Lease Agreement.

3. Address of the landlord/property: Examine your lease for the landlord’s address. It’s not always the same location where you mail rent payments, especially if the landlord owns many properties or works with a property management business.

4. Final walkthrough request: After you’ve removed all of your stuff from the property, your landlord will usually want a final walkthrough. You should plan this with your landlord so that they can swiftly repay your security deposit.

5. Relevant lease provisions: You may wish to refer to one or more lease clauses that specify how much notice you must give before terminating the lease and whether or not a walkthrough is necessary.

6. Forwarding address: This is where your security deposit cheque and any other mail that has to be forwarded to you will be delivered.

How to give a notice to vacate to the landlord?

The notice of vacate must be given to the rental provider using the following methods:

➤ Post
➤ Electronic communication
➤ Hand (give the notice in person)

Allow for mail arrival times, which vary according to:

1. Your delivery method

2. The address from which you will send your notification.

If you are posting the notification, you must provide adequate time for mail to be delivered.

What are the reasons of using a notice to vacate?

As a tenant in Singapore, here are various reasons to use a notice to vacate:

➤ Before the tenant comes in, the property does not satisfy minimal criteria
➤ The property becomes unsuited for human occupancy or is destroyed to the point of becoming unsafe
➤ The rental company has refused to make adjustments requested by a tenant to make the property accessible to people with disabilities
➤ The rental company has served the renter with a notice to leave because they are terminating a fixed-term agreement of fewer than five years
➤ The tenant needs special and personal care and must relocate to obtain it
➤ The renter is relocating to public housing
➤ The renter is a public tenant who has been served with a 90-day notice to depart because they no longer fulfill the qualifying standards
➤ A long-term agreement that was either verbal or did not employ the proper form

What happens if a renter breaks their lease early?

Tenants should not terminate their tenancy without first alerting their landlords. It is generally a good idea to get the landlord’s permission before leaving the premises.
If the tenant’s request to end the tenancy does not conform with the TA, the landlord may protest. As a result, if the minimum rental duration or lease is not met, they may expect full payment of the months’ notice or other kinds of compensation.
The security deposit comes into play here. The security deposit, which is typically equal to one month’s rent, is frequently employed in Singapore as a precaution against early termination of a rental agreement. This is in addition to its stated role of compensating for damages discovered during the tenancy (if any).
To protect themselves from monetary fines if such situations arise, tenants should write such terms into the leasing agreement before signing it.

The following provisions are crucial in this case

The Diplomatic Provision: It protects the renter in the event of unforeseen changes in employment arrangements. The renter will not be required to offer any compensation under this paragraph.

The Reimbursement Clause: The Reimbursement Clause is an auxiliary clause to the Diplomatic Clause. This clause, which is rarely included in the TA anymore, covers fees paid to the agent by the landlord at the start of the lease.
If the Reimbursement Clause is incorporated in the TA, the tenant is obligated to compensate the landlord on a pro-rata basis after invoking the Diplomatic Clause.

The En Bloc Provision: The “En Bloc” Clause gives the landlord the ability to terminate the lease prematurely if the entire building is sold for renovation. While this is uncommon, including this condition allows the landlord to break the lease early without having to compensate the renter.

What if you break your lease without these clauses?

Without these conditions, you may still bargain with your landlord on your own by knowing the damages they would experience as a result of your early termination of renting in Singapore.

The primary impact is a loss of rental income. Finding a replacement renter takes time and money, and leaving the property unoccupied is a big financial loss. To minimise this, as a renter, you might look for another tenant to take over your lease until it expires. However, before you start looking for a replacement renter on your own, make sure the landlord is on board with this agreement. Make certain that the replacement renter pays the same amount of rent. This may sometimes include paying the new tenant’s rent until the lease expires.

These provisions are critical for your protection as a renter. If these conditions are not included in the tenancy agreement, you will be obligated to pay rent until the lease period expires.

In the event that the landlord breaches the lease early

Despite the fact that Singapore property law primarily favors the landlord over the tenant, landlords cancelling leases is a very uncommon occurrence. In the event of a conflict, having open contact with the landlord and pursuing fair compensation would be the best answer.
Landlords that breach a lease must also account for the tenant’s expenses and reimburse the tenant appropriately. In some situations, this may mean refunding the rent for the notice period provided by the landlord, as well as the security deposit.

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